Aficionado Opened its Online Store in Lazada Mall

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Aficionado opened its online store in Lazada Mall in the third quarter of 2020 to offer exclusive promotions, discounts, new products and the new category, health essentials such as 70% ethyl alcohol, hand sanitizer and liquid hand soap. Aficionado products has been selling in Lazada Marketplace and its presence in the mall is a move for further expansion.
Lazada is a Singaporean multinational technology company which focuses mainly on e-commerce founded in 2012 with backing of Rocket Internet with Its business model of selling inventory to customers from its own warehouses. In 2013 it added a marketplace model that allowed third-party retailers to sell their products through Lazada’s site; the marketplace accounted for 65% of its sales by the end of 2014. It is currently owned by the Alibaba Group after its acquisition in 2016.
In August 2018, Lazada is the largest e-commerce operator in Southeast Asia based on average monthly web visits. In September 2019, Lazada claimed it was the top e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia with more than 50 million active buyers annually.
This is indeed a partnership that will mutually drive growth for both companies. Visit Aficionado online store in Laz Mall for special discounts and promotions.
Visit Aficionado Official Store on LazMall here: